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      We're an independent business patnership group, founder-controlled Slovene companies working and innovating together in Slovenia and around the World. We spend our time designing and building new smart technology driven practical sustainable solutions, sustainable products&services, and connecting people around inspiring creative sustainable projects around Smart House Ripitz Project (SHRP), and having a lot of fun doing it. Which we would like to continue doing together with you, too.

      Core partners share 25 and more years of indipendent entrepeneur experience in IT&ICT sector and Change Management Productivity Programmes serving corporate sector: Ripitz, Ltd., Modri.net, Ltd., DSEGroup, Ltd., Ltd., Articom, Ltd., Novatel, Ltd., SamoStamp Group and a number of other partners.

      Smart House Ripitz Project (SHRP) was founded by the end of 2015 although we’ve been working intensively on it ever since 2009. Briefly, SHRP is a comprehensive sustainable project consisted of four major innovative sustainable Programmes: Building Trade Programme, Tailor-Made Furniture Production Programme, Architecture&Industrial Design Programme, and Intelligent/Connected Mobility Programme. SHRP is a complex project with twoo interrelated focuses: 

      1. The Main – the narrowest focus of the SHRP project are physicly disabled people. All cathegories of physicly disabled people. To name the few: the elderly, demented people, disabled, visually impaired and blind people, hearing impaired and deaf people, variously injured persons, requiring more permanent rehabilitation and people with PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) another disorders such as panic disorder, other anxiety disorders, people suffering of substance abuse and dependence which frequently co-occur with PTSD, and people with the major disorder that most commonly co-occurs with PTSD. etc. Briefly, we are developing simple innovative solutions, products and services which help physicaly disabled people function as much as possible independently and without the help of other people. 

      2. Auxiliary focus – which is at commercial pursuance of a new digitalized ways and a comprenhensive digitalized marketing, promotional and merchandising services and activities for our own merchandising purposes and outsourcing it to (our) customers at a significantly discounted price which is a key service of epiks-modri.net project. By doing this, by supplying the market with these new digitalized services and introducing various supporting products of ICT&IoT we are not only effectively connecting all organizations and consumers to the benefit of both. Through this connectivness purposeful project we among the first are introducing a novelty - »social marketing« and concretely giving our share by promoting sustainable values and raising awareness of organizations and customers (people) concerning digitalization and neccessary changes allowing them all to gain new experiences, to get new skills and knowledge which is a needed precondition to bridge the existing digitalization development gap and prevent Slovenia from further falling down behind the competition. This and the »bottom-up« approach initiating necessary changes for greater mobility is exactly that what the European Commission (EC) is aiming for in putting their efforts towards realisation of the established EU Vision of our common future.

      Intelligent/Connected Mobility Programme (IMP) is wortwhile to demostrate and tell you more about to better understand our praxis (how we do things). IMP is of central importance within our auxiliary focus. Its practical starting point is Roll-eX, just one among a number of our »hard« innovations. Roll-eX is an incredibly amazing Slovene intelligent/connected smart ICT&IoT applied and true sustainable innovative product around which we gather organizations and open-minded people recognising, and being aware of today’s Scie nce&ICT&IoT technology driven social reality and willing to share, to parcipatate, to perform their businesses and everyday free time activities and life affairs in a new sustainable way and willing to change their existing ways of life in accord with the true sustainable values by using and supporting sustainable solutions to fully enjoy surrounding nature they care by doing so. 

      Together with our supporters we help other organizations and people to do the same, to follow our example. Our intention is clear and transparent: we are building a strong social sustainable creativity community for the for-profit benefit of all involved parties. 

      Doing that we are led by clear purpose and practically contributing to the implementation of The European Commission's agendas and initiatives for realising EU sustanability Vision by investing our time and putting serious collective efforts realising its goal of making European Community the world's most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy with the need to promote an digitalized and on Internet of things (IoT) based "Information Society for ALL" in order to construct a sustainable, global, pluralistic, and participitive democratic European Union. This goal was set by the European Union representatives at the Lisbon European Council of March 2000. One year later, the Gothenburg European Council of June 2001 agreed a strategy for sustainable development which completes the European Union's political commitment to economic and social renewal by adding a third, environmental dimension to the Lisbon strategy. A new approach to policy making was therefore promoted to insure that the economic, social and environmental effects of all policies would be considered in a coordinated way.  Both the Lisbon and Getheborg strategies placed the importance of competitiveness of SMEs firmly at the centre of political attention, and underlined the importance of creating a climate favourable to SMEs and the need to stimulate entrepreneurial initiative in order to achieve economic growth and sustainable development.  By stressing that SMEs make up over 99% of all business enterprises in all EU countries and contribute 57% of value added in the EU The European Commision clearly points out  (February, 17th 2017) that the SMEs are the backbone of the EU economy and therefore a focal point in shaping enterprise policy in the European Union considering SMEs and entrpeneuership as a key for ensuring economic growth, innovation, job creation, and social integration in the EU.

      Introducing Single digital market Strategy  by bringing down the barriers to unlock online opportunities is the most important and priority part of EU Vision. We would like to share it with you, and for a better understanding to tell you more about our organization, our common (shared and intelligent/connected) mission, our practical operative strategy and what we think is important for effectiveness of its implementation:


      To better understand our approach towards needed changes for realising EU Vision - the goal of "Information Society for All" and the operative strategy that we follow throughout this protracted change process we always bear in our minds and take into consideration the same principles deeply embedded in the previous video presentation. We would like to tell you more about them: 

      The “Networked Enterprise and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)” unit of the European Commission’s Information Society and Media Directorate-General aims at facilitating the emergence of future business forms designed to exploit the opportunities and manage the challenges posed by the socio-economic and technical developments of the 21-st century. It recognises that businesses require new technologies, applications and services to enable them to work as networked knowledge-based enterprises. 

      One of the characteristics in the knowledge-based economy is the increasing collaboration among enterprises and economic and social agents, in order to offer innovative services and products, but also to engage in R&D activities. Cooperation has proved to be an endogenous feature of Europe, and one of its biggest strengths in global competition. Collaborative and innovative research has built in Europe a new sense of community and commitment to cooperate towards shaping the future “ubiquitous information society”. This community spirit has been particularly well understood and respected by all stakeholders in the field of the Networked Enterprise, which sees industry, academia, research centres, governmental bodies and agencies at all territorial levels, and end-user associations singing to the same tune. Inevitably, technological challenges will have to be paired with societal challenges. The new standard set by this collaborative spirit calls for a new course of action as it recognises that the technologies and the economic and social aspects of development must be intertwined in order to achieve a sustainable economic and social impact.

      The Digital Business Ecosystems (DBE) Initiative responds ideally to this challenge of creating ICT instruments together with collaborative practices and paradigms that support economic growth and include all the societal and economic actors in the process. It has been commonly recognised as a new frontier for RTD in the knowledge-based economy. Indeed, SMEs and local clusters are now competing in a global and dynamic market where they need more interrelations, more specialised resources, more research and innovation as well as access to global value chains and knowledge. The research driven within the DBE Initiative supports all these necessities by offering an open infrastructure that combines human capital, knowledge and practices, technical infrastructure, and the business and financial conditions - all modelled within the European industrial policy agenda around the flow of innovation through community to sustain open knowledge production.

      Over the last ten years and based on this model a path for a new science of the Digital Business Ecosystem has been opened, a community has emerged, the first technological solutions and implementations have been built, the first pilot business ecosystems have been launched, and a network of regional digital ecosystems has been established. in research, in technology and implementation, and in deployment and adoption of the powerful reference (know-how) model depected in the next picture:

      Model flow of innovation

      Now we can tell you more ABOUT SMART HOUSE RIPITZ PROJECT

      Smart House Ripitz Project is a New (sustainable) economy organizationaly innovative kind of legally organized for-profit entrepreneur partnership joint venture with the real, all comprenhensive and on sustainability developments and digital innovations focused programmes following its own sustainable overall and performance goals (our main focus) and supporting goals and performances of a variaty of associated sustanability public and other initieves (like and within European week of Mobiliy ) and related acitivties through partnerships within local communities based on and around our Intelligent/Connected Mobility Programme (our auxiliary focus). The letter is allowing sinergism and empowering collective (on cooperation and teamwork based) realization of monumental yet hidden local and global  growth potential within local communities across Slovenia we close together are realising through gathering&connecting and furthure employing an ever growing vast number of new partners and supporters (organizations and individuals) at the level of local communities to the for-profit benefit and goals of all: both involved stakeholders and the society. By stakeholders we mean any registered/enlisted supporter whatsoever: whether being an organization or an individual, pasive, active or pro-active, non-finantial or finantial supporter.  Our greatful thanks go to all who participate. Thank You!

      JOIN US - BE OUR NON-FINANTIAL SUPPORTER - Anyone who appreciates preservation of natural evironment and healthy way of life can be a member of our Social Sustainable  Community PONY BIKERS VELENJE. Its purpose: socialising and having fun, making new friendships, exchanging ideas and networking. There is no membership fee - it's free of any payment. Any registered member who share the same sustainable values is free to organize Social Sustainable Community PONY BIKERS with the name of his home town or the place he lives in or of an organization he owns or works for if only given a permission from the owner.

      Alongside implementation of various Smart House Ripitz Project Programmes’ (SHRP) initiatives and activities, being led by the SHRP humane purpose and goals we together promote the true sustainable values and contribute practically paving the new ways of their realisations which are expressed the best by our motto »SHARING IS CARING« with the intention to furthure induce and enhance major changes in today outdated and harmfull non-sustainable paradigms and counterproductive as well as unproductive organizational ways of doing »business as usual« and accompanied unhealthy ways of life of individuals for their and the general public benefit at the same time. We do that by gathering togehther and connecting Art&Craft, Science&Tecnology creators, organizations, users&end consumers and any self-interested individuals around the latest (cutting-edge) Information-Communication Technology and IoT (Internet of Things) innovative solutions, products and services predominantly of our own - Slovene origin, and assisting them (everybody) practically to facilitate all pervasive and complex tranformational changes needed for strenghtening competitiveness of organizations, personal self-development and the overall enhancement of adoption, intoduction and use of the new and modern sustainable digital technology developments, digital solutions, products and services in order to better meet new life realities, challenges and unique opportunities. Our today reality has been evidently shaped by unprecedented Science& Technology breakthroughs inducing changes nobody wise can close their eyes to. These changes are demanding effective informing, public promotion and practical leading the way by giving own example to others for faster learning and adaptation to more productive and sustainable nature protection new ways of life and especially in doing business more successful by using and introducing ICT&IoT into foundations of conducting new sustaniable continuous improvements of existing production and sales programmes, products an services and innovative developing new generations of sustainable programmes, products and services to better suit users’/end customers’ needs while preserving natural environment. 

      We've realised through our past experiences these complex changes can not be effectivelly neither induced nor realised through existing outdated and fruitless external (top-down) system reforms »as usual« or by public promotions only through more »ex chatedra« sustainable education or by sporadic public sustanable awareness increase actions, but only through difficult and complex internal (bottom-up) restructuring processes based on practical sustainable innovations and thoroughly organized change by following innovative restructuring processes led by experienced leaders, not managers and executing it on sites (in local communities) where actual things are happening. For this to accomplish we need to be operativelly well organized. First of all we need new refference sustainable business models,  programmes and projects. SHRP is an practical organizatinal sample of such a refference model offering all of this including its praxis and rich past experiences.

      Past experieces and refference praxis is a valuable source of learning new, gaining better applicable knowledge and futher improving praxis. 

      Exercising SHRP we have also learned that getting and employing only a few early adopters and supporters is not enough to induce greater actual changes of already established and outdated traditional ways of doing business and living. There is an obvious need for a better organized, more efficient and practical actual social movement mobilizing more others than just a few to follow their example. This process is progressing too slow now. Because majority of potential participants (supporters), even those with the positive attitudes towards sustanability whether be organizations (like SMEs or bigger) or individuals, delay their actual deccission to join any movement expecting some tangible personal i ncentive (benefit) as a motive to decide to join. So, we impreved our business model and solved this issue by motivational policy of making some of participant »partners« (Roll-eX center partners), if they decided to join and engage activly or pro-actively by letting them use our commercial digitalized and intelligent marketing, promotional and merchandising services otherwise reserved for our regular customers at a discount price as a starting point for their decission for cooperation in a Intelligent Mobility Programme. This motivational policy is now well received and intersting for many organizations (SMEs and other) and individuals to join proving that our approach, business model and praxis is truly referential.

      Worldwide digital modernization for sustainability is based on new ICT&IoT generations of digitalised products and services following science breakthrougs in every area of business and life. Digitalization is the core of 4.-th industrial revolution which is taking place since the end of 2008. Science&ICT&IoT developments are driving changes that bring serious challenges and unique opportunities to anyone. 

      We have recognised this is especially important for small an medium size entrepreneus (SMSs), but majority of which today and objectively because of the current economic situation can not afford neither to use too expensive cutting-edge new ICT&IoT products and services nor to pay their own specialized staff for those technologies and services in spite of that it is evedently crucial to increase their sales and overall business effectivene ss and growth . Besides, we have also recognised SMEs are the most reluctant towards adoptation of novelties. This is significantly decreasing the chances of taking advanteges offered of the opportunities offered by digitalization for the recovery and faster development of the economy, new employments and living standard. Because SMEs represent the backbone of the economy. European commision recognises SMEs are a focal point in shaping enterprise policy in the European Union and considers SMEs and entrpeneuership as key to ensuring economic , innovation , job creation, and social integration in the EU stressing that SMEs make up over 99% of all business enterprises in all EU countries and contribute 57% of value added in the EU. We have recognised the most of SMEs are dispersed across the whole Slovenia in a number of local communities. This is why we decided a single local community to be the best organizational starting point to innitiate and immplement changes.

      All of these three points led us to the conlusion that more effective and practical involvement of both SMEs and local communities are the twoo factors deciding whether momentum for change process towards greater sustanability and chalenges and oportunities offered by Science&Inovative Tecnology sectors and digitalization will be faster perceived and utilized or deleyed if not lost to the detriments of all. We bear in our mind how important would it be for Slovenia to fully exploit this momentum to be among the early adopters of digitalization novelties supporting new sustainability development trends and EU strategic policies on the subject.  

      There are a number of evidences and recommendations lately of how crucial is transformational change and exectly what to do:

      1. for the benefit of the economy and

      2. how important for the economy is to employ tourism

      So, we have recognise the necessity of faster change towards development and more intensive use of the new innovative sustainable for-profit ways, business models and practical working concepts and as the first step of effective initiating change especially the importance of public informing and associated services like social marketing (a sort of which is by effect ealier mentioned motivational policy in our business model), digitalized smart promotional and new kind of digitalized smart merhandising which is interesting for all kind of organizations because it is the best suited to today’s consumers’ needs and habits. It brings them new customers measurable imidiate and more effective shortterm as well as lontermterm incrases of sales in comparison to their competirtors who use traditional methods and technologies. It’s easy to grasp todays »smart« reality: having smart phone you do everything: you find, order, pay and g et whatever you like without even visiting a shop. The letter is the starting operational point of our new conncept of digitalized merchandising, supported by marketing and promotional activities in order to increase sales and competitiveness of our customers, partners and supporters. 

      Numerous other obstacles are acting against and slowing down any more sincere development and practising real sustainable values in our daily work and life. We have already said that putting more efforts only to theoretical educating for new values and practises and sporadic public promotional actions to increase sustainability awareness evidently do not solve these problems effectively. And it isn’t just that simple political-macro economical explanation that our existing life reality working against change is strong consumerism, fueled by global and local mass media industr y and harsh everyday market realities where, although we admit that, global corporations and bigger companies with huge stocks of capital power are now dictating the rules of economic and finantial market success and decide on either a survival or a failure of all smaller others and that this requires either mobilization and political action led by all kinds of ideologies (from far left to center and far right ones or to better do nothing as a self-excuse not to try to change anything because it can’t help anyway. We don’t agree with these views of solutions to the problem. Because, this is only one and wrong possible explanation of today’s life reality becuase we also know that the foundations of the real power behind a global coporate sector is not capital itself, but human resource capital, organizational know-how and aplied IT-ICT&IoT solutions, innovative people and numerous potential supporters. Therefore, we know that there is existing still another, although hidden life reality which most of us is not even thinking of. Today real power is intelligent information, practical knowledge and human creative skills activated by information (importance of public promotion and of know-how to disseminate and proper use the information), if only there is a way to reveal a readiness and willingness of potential suppoters and know-how to disseminate it and properly use it.

      So, it is all about you, us, people themselves whether we are willing to try, learn and accept novelties for change change or not. We would like you to recognise the bigges obstacle to change: manthality of stubernly sticking to evidently outdated and still prevailing traditional »business as usual« paradigms and to the traditional business models, methods and praxis of doing everything »on your own and alone, instead of being »connected to others«. These issues are what is really stoping majority to accept whatever changes and the new ways of doing things, business and everyday life affears. This is what our Intelligent/Conected Roll-eX Mobility Programme is offering: digitalized novelties, new experiences, knowledge, operational skills. Practical new ways, necessary tools, know-how and meth ods for effective change in doing things and businesses in a different way instead of repeating it »as usual«. Intelligent/Connected Mobility Programme is bringing positive new experiences unblocking negative attitudes and generates and release collective creative energies and synergies out of connectiveness that anulate otherwise unstoppable progress of existing detrimental trends with negative consequnces for us all, our society and our natural environment and, once again, especially endengering the survival and the further development of small and medium en trepreneurs (SMEs) and countryside. 

      We see a lot of opportinities and new practical ways for effective change bringing immidate short term pro-profit results, too. Unless organization and people in local communities  tray new things, they never get a new expeirience, this is a natural process of learning everything and the only effective path of gaining practical knowledge&skills for self-development as the basis for making any furthure progress. This is path towards effective change.

      Briefly, what is the opportunity? Self-organization at local communities levels where things are really happening, self-determination, pro-active attitude and the most important of all – connectivness, cooperation and team work operative organization towards employing digitalization. Where is the opportunity laying? To remind you:  According to European Commission»Small and medium-sized enterprises (ESMs) represent 99% of all business in the EU making 65% of GNP.


      To be continued...